An awkwardly shaped inner city site with screening needed from neighbours on all sides. Pleached trees provide privacy and disguise high fences with shade loving clivia, camellias, liriope and mondo grass planted below.

An awkwardly shaped inner city site with screening needed from neighbours on all sides. Pleached trees provide privacy and disguise high fences with shade loving clivia, camellias, liriope and mondo grass planted below.

Clivia provide winter colour and Ficus pimula covers fences behind pleached trees

Clivia provide winter colour and Ficus pimula covers fences behind pleached trees

Star jasmine on the fence to the left provides scent during summer while the water feature disguises the sound of traffic.  The grey trunks of the pleached trees (Ficus hillii) create a sense of rhythm and also visual links between the differen…

Star jasmine on the fence to the left provides scent during summer while the water feature disguises the sound of traffic.  The grey trunks of the pleached trees (Ficus hillii) create a sense of rhythm and also visual links between the different areas of the garden. 

Front entrance with standard lillypilly, standard roses, gardenias and a clipped hedge of Michelia figo along front of verandah.

Front entrance with standard lillypilly, standard roses, gardenias and a clipped hedge of Michelia figo along front of verandah.

Clivia hybrid.

Clivia hybrid.